We offer expert knowledge

The health care market with its multitude of stakeholders, interests and regulatory requirements is highly complex, and hence expert knowledge is required to be successful. For over 10 years, co.faktor offers under specialized consultancy brands comprehensive services for health and life science in the areas of market access, medical communications and patient relations.


With our multi-professional team of physicians, pharmacists, health economists, epidemiologists, statisticians, natural scientists and communication professionals, we ensure that you, as a client, always have the perfect agency contact, who can communicate with you at eye level and understands your needs and helps you to achieve your goals.

Dr. Holger Müller
Co-Managing Director

Dr. Julia A. Gaebler
Managing Director

Dr. Alexander Boreham

Dr. Michael Wördehoff

Dr. Philipp Bauknecht

Dr. Christiane Ring

Dr. Juliane Schreier

Nurunnisa Sari, M. Sc.

Dr. Susanne Neureuther-Keckeis

Dr. med. Juliane Scholz

Dr. Linda Sawade

Dr. Stefan Baumanns

Lisa Kramer, M. Sc.

Lisa Kiesel, Pharmacist

Dr. med. vet. Anne Beiersdorf

Dr. Bastian Gaus

Miriam Fischer, B. A.

Dr. Martin Rohrer

Dr. Kai Lucaßen

Hans Hirsch, B. A.

Leonie Hirt, M. Sc.

Lucia Rohfleisch, M. Sc.

Julian Radlinger, M. Sc.

Hannes Fuß

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