Launch Efficiency – with our three Consulting Brands

The launch of a drug, medical device or digital health application (DiGA) is the critical moment that determines market success. For a successful launch, it is crucial to effectively address the relevant stakeholders: Physicians, Patients and Payers. Let a service provider with proven experience and success in addressing these target groups support you. Our unique concept of three consulting brands working hand in hand with specialized teams enables a cost-efficient and fast launch.


Generalization meets specialization

Numerous overlaps between Market Access, Medical Communications and Patient Relations suggest working with a single service provider. On the other hand, each area requires specialized expertise. co.faktor can resolve this apparent contradiction by offering both: Generalization and Specialization. Through the projects we implement for clients, we build a client- and product-specific knowledge base that is shared and continuously expanded by our specialized teams in Market Access, Medical Communications and Patient Relations. In this way, we ensure a fast and cost-efficient launch and ensure that you as a company use consistent messaging.

Service provider mix vs. synergy effects

If you use the synergy effects of co.faktor for your launch, you will not only benefit from our specialized consulting brands, but also work more cost-efficiently. In contrast to hiring individual service providers, you can reduce your launch costs by more than 20 percent when working with co.faktor. 

Services Service provider mix Synergies with co.faktor Savings
AMNOG procedure 650,000 € 550,000 € 100,000 €
Launch campaign and marketing materials 250,000 € 155,000 € 95,000 €
Medical Affairs Support 100,000 € 77,500 € 22,500 €
Patient Relations Support 50,000 € 30,500 € 19,500 €
  1,050,000 € 813,000 € 237,000 €

We know that every launch and every project is individual, therefore the figures shown here are average values. Feel free to contact us for an individual offer.

Your one-stop store for a successful and efficient launch

  • co.faktor's unique structure with specialized consulting brands offers expert knowledge in Market Access, Medical Communications and Patient Relations.
  • We combine our expertise for fast and cost-efficient launch support.
  • Synergies are created by building and continuously expanding customer and product specific knowledge as well as specialized teams applying this knowledge in different projects.
  • With co.faktor as a provider for Market Access, Medical Communications and Patient Relations, you achieve consistent messaging and avoid inconsistencies.
  • A lean structure and low overhead help us to work cost-efficiently and within budget.